New Nezzy Original Cartoons – Caricature Service Update
In an effort to get more original cartoons created I have set out a target to complete at least two new ones every week to put of the Nezzyonbrass Shop. I am also going to do some smaller original cartoons for a little bit more variety.
I am currently working on four cartoons depicting various players and instruments marching. They are coming along quite nicely and will be added to the Shop later this week at which point there will be an opportunity to buy them. Completely original one off’s and signed by yours truly. Each original cartoon will be provided in a mount with backing board ready to frame.

That’s the first of the black and white original ink cartoons given the watercolour treatment.

Half way there. Had a facebook message/hint asking about female brass band cartoon figures. I have already done the rough sketches and the next 4 will be all banding girlies!

Just one more to paint and then seal in mounts with backing board before putting them in the shop…£35 each (inc. postage and packing worldwide). If you wanted a cartoon in a specific uniform/colour just send me a message from the contact page here... or inbox me on the Nezzy on Brass Facebook page

Cartoon Caricatures by Nezzy
If you would like a cartoon caricature I have bitten the bullet and started to do them.
Prices start at £75 for a full colour cartoon which is supplied in a 12″ x 10″ mount with backing board + electronic version + a square jpeg version (for a Facebook profile picture if required).
If you would like to contact me to discuss please send a message via the contact page here… or inbox me on the Nezzy on Brass Facebook page