Caricatures by Nezzy

If you would like a detailed cartoon caricature prices start at £125 + £5 postage and packing for a standard full-colour cartoon which is supplied in a 12″ x 10″ mount with backing board + electronic version + a square jpeg version (for a Facebook profile picture if required). ‘Standard’ would be the person in uniform with their instrument.  Prices will vary if you require additional elements in the cartoon.

If you require additional mounted prints They are £20 each p&p included

Cory Band Phil Harper Grand Slam caricature
Phil Harper, Conductor of the Cory Band – presented to him by the band after completing the grand slam of major titles. I featured the trophies and a couple of characters in the background from Cory’s winning performance at the Brass in Concert program. Also featured is the Welsh flag and the star Spangled Banner – after Cory’s hugely successful tour of the USA. A lot to pack in but he certainly deserved it!

To do the caricature I will need:

  • A selection of high-resolution photos with at least one or two ‘face on’ and preferably smiling!.  These must be digital as I don’t like the responsibility of original photo’s through the post – particularly with the great British postal service!!!  I can often get the images I need through the person’s Facebook page if they have an account.
  • What do you want me to draw?  In uniform, with the instrument?  I need to know exactly what you want me to draw.  If it’s a brass band uniform I would need to know which band. I can usually find the uniform colours through the band’s website or Google images but I may require confirmation.
  • Eye colour.  This may seem odd but very often I cannot tell from photos what the person’s eye colour is.  There is nothing worse than doing a great cartoon when the eye colour is wrong.
  • Time…I often get requests where the caricature is required in a day or two.  I usually have a backlog of work so at least a week or two is necessary – the earlier the better.

I deliver the cartoons in a mount with the backing board as standard and is securely packaged and delivered first class recorded. 

The price quoted will include postage and packing and recorded delivery (UK). 

If the caricature is to be mailed abroad the overall charge will be greater due to greater postal charges which I would discuss before committing to a price.

If you would like to contact me to discuss please send a message via the contact page here… or inbox me on the Nezzy on Brass Facebook page 

Caricature of Mark Stamp of the Harborough Band being presented to him by the bands chairman, Mick Hansmen.  Commissioned by the band for Marks 80th birthday.

This was a challenge as I was asked to feature the old school building in Market Harborough (which is also the bands logo) in the background, and feature the bands 125th anniversary which they celebrate this year. I really enjoyed drawing this – especially as I have distant memories of the old school house, as my father used to have a market stall in Market Harborough way back in the early 70’s.

caricatures by nezzy

Elizabeth Pearce (‘front and centre’, as they say in the army) asked me to do this commission of her with her trombone section colleagues of the Nottinghamshire  Band  of the Royal Engineers.  It was a challenge as the uniforms are a lot more intricate that most brass bands but, one of the most enjoyable caricatures I have done to date…

rotal engineers brass band trombone section

…Elizabeth, who  is leaving the band, wanted to give her colleagues something a bit different and memorable and I was delighted to help her do that. 

Mark Frost Frosty Bass Trombone Nezzy Caricature

Mark Frost – ‘Frosty’ one of the finest exponents of the Bass Trombone

Phil Harper presenting Phil Harris with the caricature and details of all his successes with Cory Band over an amazing 40 years winning every major title. 


Steve Webb caricature full colour by nezzySteve Webb – a good friend of mine who recently retired from South Wales Fire Service

Steve Web 'Webby' with his framed caricatureSteve Webb with his framed caricature


nezzy caricature heledd Gwynant Heledd Gwynant – Caricatured outside the Royal Academy of Music, London after graduation – Nezzy caricature commissioned, by her parents.

nezzy caricature sould band trombone david lockley

David Lockley on trombone with cool soul band shades! – Nezzy caricature commissioned, by his wife Sarah, for his birthday

nezzy caricatures

   Alan Bourne – conductor of RAF St Athan Band

steve jones weeny cory caricature on drums
Steve Jones – Cory Band’s fabulous percussionist and professional percussion tutor

nezzy caricatures jonathan waite

   Jonathan waite – cornet and conductor, commissioned by his brother IanNEZZY CARICATURE gwaun cae gurwen brass band

The most important member of Gwaun Cae Gurwen Brass Band! This lovely lady makes the tea and is never seen without a book of raffle tickets! Nezzy caricature commissioned by the band for her 80th Birthday

John Corcoran – Percussionist commissioned by his daughter Sarah


nezzy caricatures mal pickin parc and dare brass band
Mal Pickin – Parc and Dare band for his 75th BirthdayCommissioned by his son Mike
This was an interesting one for me (as a brass player and ex-firefighter) – and it was fun to mix both hobby and career into this caricature of Ben Midgely – Bass player for Waltham St Lawrence Silver band.  Commissioned by his wife Jane, who is also a member of the band on flugel.
nezzy wedding cartoon caricatures brass bands
David and Rachel Tozer with their wedding cartoon presented to them by the band that David conducts – Lyme Regis town Band


Rob nesbitt nezzy caricatures
   Rob Tomkins – Conductor, Bass Player and BrassFest UK


caricatures by nezzy
Peter Price – Singer, guitarist and go-kart fanatic. I used to work with Peter in South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, so this was a really interesting and enjoyable caricature to draw!


   Richard Evans, Dick the stick – who loves Everton and is also known as ‘Top Cat’!  
Dean Evans – Percussionist with Ynyshir Band with his Nezzy caricature on his 50th Birthday
Alan Fowler – Principal Cornet with the Yorkshire Imperial Band with his 50th birthday gift from the band
nezzy brass band caricatures
Kevin Jones – Tylerstown Band with his Nezzy caricature – presented to him by the band on his 50th Birthday – Yes he was in band on his birthday – That’s Commitment for you!

nezzy caricatures terry mcmylor

   Terry McMylor – percissionist, commissioned as a gift for him by his daughter Janet Lewis

Not a brass band caricature but a good example of a black and white caricature of a fireman I drew several years ago who was also a part time actor
Not a brass band caricature but a good example of a black and white caricature of a fireman, I drew several years ago, who was also an actor 
   Simon Howell – Cory Band with the British Open, National, Brass Pass and European Trophies.
nezzy caricatures
Ex-Royal Navy sailor on his 80th Birthday – The most difficult part of this for me to draw was the ship!

Stephen Crookes, who runs the Fermanagh and Tyrone Brass band Summer School,  with his caricature, presented to him after the tenth anniversary of the summer school. (Commissioned by Owen Farr).